-There are very young men engaging in questionable behavior such as overindulgence in alcohol and hence are alcoholics whose future is bleak to say the least. Young men are also involved in numerous cases of robbery and when the long arm of the law catches up…well life comes to a standstill. Let us continue to empower the girl/woman but let us not forget the boy. This after all part of Gender Equality, Globally, boys are more likely to drop out of school. They are more likely to abuse drugs. A boy child in some countries is 20 times more likely to be imprisoned. And We believe, by insisting on gender equality, we miss the point. Gender equality is a utopian, if not alien concept. For, how can you compare the incomparable? Boys, by nature of their wiring, are fundamentally different from girls.
-We promote gender equality and freedom from discrimination. Gender equality describes a social relationship where men, women, boys and girls enjoy equal opportunities and have protection to enjoy their basic rights in all spheres of life.
-we holistically empower the boy child in all aspects and give more attention and priority on his survival, wellbeing and protection on the road to progress and development.
-Develop mentorship forums involving successful youths from all parts of Africa to offer mentorship on character building which will help the boy child realize his position in the society; and how to rise to such positions.
-Promoting literacy levels by empowering the boy child through education scholarships to the needy and those from humble backgrounds.
-Equip boys and their parents with relevant skills, attitudes and information through seminars.
-Engage the boy child in matters pertaining Sustainable Development Goals. This is by convening conventions on sustainable goals and also training and involving them and the youths in the societies in championing the sustainable development goals.
-To offer guidance and counselling on life skills i.e. handling psychological and social barriers